Friday, November 11, 2011

11-11-11 Sedona, AZ

My trip was, in a word, amazing.  The energies that led me to my destination were quite spectacular, but they couldn't prepare me for what I had in store for me when I arrived at my destination. I am getting a bit ahead of myself though. Starting from the beginning:

Ten years ago I had a vision, of standing on a side of a mountain with strangers, looking at other mountains in the distance. The vision haunted me so much that I painted it on a mural, and told myself that if I ever found those mountains that I'd have to go there.  Years later, I'm at home watching some piece on the Travel Channel, and I saw a two second clip of these mountains around Sedona, Arizona.  In that two second clip, I was dropped to my knees, lost in the amazement that I had found my mountains.  After some investigating I had found out mountains were called Thunder Mountain:

Thunder Mountain as seen from Airport Vortex; Sedona, Arizona

Ladies and Gentlemen: This photo is from that vantage point, of those mountains.  The people in the vision were with me, in this reality, on this trip that we all felt compelled to make.

Many people who come to Sedona agree it has a certain power to it- a magnificence. How you want to box that power into a belief system is up to you but I offer a fact for consideration: many people have deep, profound experiences while in Sedona.
Science would have us believe that there is nothing special going on at sacred places like Sedona because they can't measure anything quantifiable with their instruments...
to look at life solely from a place of logic is not a balanced approach. Have you ever gone to church or out in nature and had a profound moment? You may have a difficult time proving such a personal experience to another, but the fact remains that you had the experience. I use the word experience on purpose because it includes yet transcends the mental approach to life by bringing into account the part of us that interprets life through our emotions and spirituality.
- about Sedona

I chose this date to go, 11.11.11 due to the staggering amount of times I have seen this on clocks and in every day life.  I had heard many other people talking about seeing this all over, series of 1's to the point it made a great deal of people think that this date was symbolic.

About one year ago, I found out that a man by the name of Scott Love was planning an event for the "Indigo Children", "Crystal Children", "Starseeds", and other new-age believers, simply called The 11.11.11 Gathering.  Scott felt compelled to come to Sedona, Arizona from Detroit, Michigan and host an event to unite all the confused souls, uniting us in our common beliefs and to show us that we are not alone, giving us a chance to congregate, share, heal, and teach each other by exchanging thoughts, concepts, ideologies, and emotions.

The people I met were simply amazing! Beautiful, honest, loving, caring, decent folk with similar beliefs; hopes and dreams of a brighter future for all.  

Arriving was quite the site, having driven there for 16 hours after working a 9 hour shift, attending a birthday party for my niece, and leaving at midnight the night before; saying I was tired and weary from the trip would be an understatement. Understandable, 36 hour days have this amazing tendency to wear anyone out.  Upon arrival to Sedona I went to Relics, a local place of business that had opened up it's doors to Scott Love and our group for this event.  I arrive, really emotionally volatile from the drive, and the energies flooding in to me from what I discovered later was a vortex that I drove though coming down the mountain to get to Sedona. More info can be found on vortexes here, but first I have to relay some critical story-line.

I get out of my car, after calling my mother and telling her how moved to tears I was simply upon arrival, and meet Scott.  Having never actually met him before, I recognized him from a photo and approached him.  "Are you Scott?" I asked. His face lit up and he replied with, "James!" and my extended hand was bypassed for a warm heartfelt hug.  We visited for a bit, and I told him that I had just gotten into Sedona, and still needed to find a camp-ground to set up at. "Not to worry, James. We have a campground set aside already. I've got you covered!" I thought to myself, wow! This outpouring of caring and love from this individual is amazing.  Free camping was something I hadn't expected and was graciously grateful for.  After getting directions I thanked him and moved on to set up a tent before sun-down. Arriving at the camp-site I found myself alone, but there were four other tents already set up.  I get my tent assembled, with little struggle in-spite of the fact that I hadn't pitched a tent since I was 12 or so. As I'm setting up a few other people come down, I nervously introduce myself to them and was greeted warmly again, with hugs and handshakes, mirth and merriment! Dan and Carla, two Sedona locals, were there to greet and share their love and light, two individuals that I don't ever think I could possibly forget!

After setting up camp (and cleaning myself up from the 16 hour drive), I headed back to Relics to find the man with the plan, Scott.  People are heading out as I arrive, heading to a drum-circle in town away from Relics; and I met a guy named Standing Bear, a Native American flute player.  I help him set up his gig, carry in some equipment and set up. People were slow getting back to Relics for his musical performance, and it was apparent that he was distraught to be playing for only a hand full of people instead of the packed house that he was expecting.  About 1/3 of the way through his playing, people started pouring back in from the drum-circle and his music brightened up right away as things picked up and he actually had an audience worth playing for. The loving energy that I started to feel pour in definitely was easy enough to feel, even for someone that isn't that in-tune with vibrational energies. Clearly an empath like me was in for quite a week!

I sat though most of Standing Bear's performance before deciding that the past 39 hours awake was far too much for me.  I thanked Scott and told him that I had to rest, and headed back down to the camp site, where I found most of the other campers that I would be calling family before the day was up. Walking down to the clearing, I hear a welcome from a guy, who introduced himself as Yanek, I introduced myself and discovered he had traveled about twice as far as I had from Toronto, Ontario, Canada.  He introduced me to the group, and I met some very lovable people. One of the guys there was Joshua, and from the moment I first met him, I knew he was kindred.  Don't misunderstand, they all were kindred, but there was an instant comradery with Joshua that was simply unreal.

I sit around the fire, and we all get to talking, about who we are, where we were from, and how we came to get to Sedona.  I then felt compelled to explain my vision, and this group set there captivated on what I explained to them.  I explained the peaks and one of the ladies there (Amanda or Sarah, in my sleep depro I forgot which) told me that they they felt as if it was entwined with their destiny to go there with me.  Wow!  I'd been so used to getting uncomfortable looks when I explained my vision to people in the past, that for someone to outright say that a) they believe me, and b) want to see it through with me, was very humbling and overwhelming, to say the least!

And then the sightings started.  Joshua kept an eye to the sky. Realizing that I was no longer the sole sky-watcher for a group, I now had a group of believers with me, all eager and ready to spot something amazing.  Joshua pointed out several odd things in the sky, but all of them, save one, was identifiable or dismiss-able by me.  There was another, that I was ready to dismiss, until it changed course and performed an instant >90 degree turn that defied physics and would have killed any pilot from inertia alone. "Hot-damn!" I thought.  This is going to be an amazing 5 days!

I awake, and head to Relics, for the morning meditation.  I met a healer there, who was outside burning Sage and doing cleansing/smudging for everyone before the meditation.  She was simply something else.  After she worked the smoke over me she whispered to me, "you need to take advantage of the healing you can get here, you have burdens that sage and meditation can't help."  Amazed.  This woman saw right through me, to the pain and burdens that I carry, pains and burdens that I thought were well hidden.  I didn't have any idea what to say in reply to this woman. I sat through her guided meditation workshop, and at the end she wanted everyone to go around and introduce myself.  I announced that I was James from Northwest Kansas, and that I came here to be activated but that I need to be healed so that I can heal others.

Any sense of heirs or facades that I could have embraced was, at that point, completely thrown out the window. I had revealed to everyone my soul's deepest and most dire desire. By simply throwing it out there, a wave of love and light encompassed me.  I arrived as a simple, proud, damaged man; and hopefully I was viewed as someone that had far more to offer than he need to take.  As time did tell, much of the week was about not only me learning how to be a better healer and teacher, but also about my own need to be healed and taught.

I know that at this point what I'm saying might be considered by you, the reader, to be cryptic and even fringe. If you expect this read to go in any other direction, then your best bet is to close this page now, because there isn't much here that will deviate from this topic. Sedona is THE New-Age Mecca. This is not some flight-of fancy, secular discussion that I'm trying to have, this is so much deeper, and meaningful.  This journey was truly all about Love.  Love united us, and Love is the message that I bring back.  More on this in a bit, however...I have so much else to share!

I awoke my second night at 4:30 AM to "relieve" myself, I saw Joshua sitting by the fire meditating, and I felt compelled to go talk to him, but I dare not disturb someone while meditating.  That is never wise.

Then, around 9AM, I woke for the day and saw that Joshua was walking in a circle outlined with stones, holding a crystal egg in one hand and a crystal heart from Carla in the other, pacing this circle in meditation.  Without missing a beat I join the circle, to which he hands me the stones and starts walking along the outside of the circle in the opposite direction.  No words were exchanged. None were needed. It just felt like the right thing to do.

Alright, off to Relics after our personal meditation, Joshua and I headed in to catch a group meditation. We missed the meditation but got there for a workshop that we both intended on catching: a workshop involving a man providing information on the Gnosticism.  For those unfamiliar with Gnosticism, the belief system is simple in theory.  A common characteristic of some of these groups was the teaching that the realization of Gnosis (esoteric or intuitive knowledge), is the way to salvation of the soul from the material world. In Gnosticism, there are several derivations, the one that I find the most intriguing is Mandean traditions.  This interests me because John the Baptist followed Mandaeism traditions and, well, if it was good enough for Jesus to be baptized in, and study under for no less than one year, there's probably something to it. Right? Right...

Unfortunately, the guy putting this talk together had a LOT of information that my soul just couldn't mesh with.  He started talking about the "Left-hand path" and spent hours trying to convince a group that there is no enlightenment without embracing the "left-hand path".  I found the guy to be misguided, and while he may have some enlightenment, he also seems like some "agents" had gotten to him and his group.  He tied everything back to bloodlines, Templars, Masons, and elite groups that I firmly believe are the ENEMY of Light and Love.  I could go off about this guy's message, but instead I want to tell you my OWN message; one that I am getting to... after I tell my story.

Back at Camp, after setting through a bit of some other meditations and workshops, I head out to get some more camping gear: namely a small gas-heater (burr!) and some badly needed bedding.  Heading back down to the camp I saw Yannick again, and caught up with him. The rest of our "troop" of campers arrived and very quickly we were stoking the fire and sharing with the group our beliefs and our trials and tribulations that had all led us to this point.  The conversation revealed an uncommon thread of tremendous synchronicity that we all had in common.  I use the word synchronicity, instead of coincidence, because of yet another thing that we all found we had in common: no one there believed in coincidences! And RIGHTFULLY so!

Offering by our 11.11.11 group at the wind-cave
As a group, we then caravaned up to the Airport Vortex, a mountain that has some of the most positive energies out of any of the vortexes in Sedona.  I arrive and stare at this curious site: Stones placed on the overly-twisted branches of a Juniper tree, as if to mark it as a sacred memorial.  All over, people had placed stones into impromptu piles as offerings, monuments, and tributes.  It was then, and there, that my reality hit me: I was having a seriously unique and spiritual experience: these are the people from my vision, in the place from my vision. This confirms for me exactly the flash, and insight from 10 years before! I can't convey to you, my audience, of how that truly made me feel!  There simply aren't words.  Having serious bouts of deja-vu, and dizzied by this whole experience, I sat and decided to meditate on the matter, and pray to thank the "Creator", to thank my God for revealing to me this powerful and sacred space.  So I sat, with walking stick across my lap, in humbled meditation, soaking in this beautiful and radiant heat from the red rocks, and feeling at one with all of the universe. Finally!  After about 30 minutes or so (supposing that time was following the linear tradition as it has in the past), I opened my eyes, and could see the energy around me, like fireflies of light floating through the air! Dear Lord it was so beautiful! This was during broad daylight, I was on no drugs. It was like opening your eyes to a whole new world; or perhaps, a world that was once familiar, but lost to time and traumas. This cathartic release through silent meditation, indeed, had unforeseen consequences.  I felt awakened. Activated. Charged.  Primed for whatever will be.  This was the end of an era, and the beginning of the new age.  I arose from my meditation changed, in a very very good way.

Spiraling of Vegetation around Vortexes

 It is worth noting, that at these Vortexes, there is an uncommon and unnatural pattern of spirals that can be seen all-around in vegetation.  Juniper trees spiral normally in nature, but it definitely appears as if they spiral more when at these vortexes, but it doesn't stop there! I saw it in all plant-life there. The picture to the right shows the flowering part of this particular plant spiraling outward, and this theme was abundant in other vegetation as well, like the grasses.
More spiraling vegetaton at Vortex
Right. Onward.  I went back to Relics, charged and down for whatever...  I caught the last 15 minutes of a meditation and workshop done by a local Sedona woman named Joy.  Her message, in 15 minutes, was extremely powerful and I regretted not catching her whole workshop, because she was very inspiring.  She relayed a very simple universal truth: all human beings want one thing above all else: to be loved unconditionally.

Part two of wacky Gnostic guy's talk.  To put the time-line in proper context I do need to say that during part one, the initial message that Mr. Whackjob McGnostic had, seemed so compelling and intriguing, that I came back with pen and paper to his second workshop to take notes, and it wasn't until THEN that this man's sinister, darker agenda started showing.  I choose not to acknowledge his message of "Peacock Heaven".  What a nut. I hope he's not right!  Moving on...

That night, one of the musical performers were setting up: Life in Balance.  They had these interesting crystal bowls that they would play like water-glasses. The 99.99% pure crystal bowls of various shapes and sizes resonated at different frequencies, and were done to raise consciousness and bring enlightenment.  Being a frequency nut (or freq. as I prefer to be called), I found a particular interest to what they were doing. They have played for the Dali Lama and other spiritual leaders, and had a certain amount of acclaim. I spoke with the woman at length about energies and crystals and the metaphysical energies, being her area of expertise and with my own interest in crystalline energies, it definitely was an enlightening talk, making me take my ideas of generating electricity into a more holistic, integrated viewpoint; one that I am happy to say I found personally enlightening.  I gave her my contact information, which hopefully led her to this blog, and the previous posts about Zero-Point Energy using the Casmir effect. Hopefully she found that information as enlightening as her music made me.  A great collaboration!  Lots and lots of great collabo's throughout all of this journey...

I left Relics and headed back to camp, and was invited to another event called the "Rainbow Gathering."  It was on an isolated place in the Cocochino Valley along State Road 89B, way out in the sticks away from everything else.  I show up to what I think is merely a drum-circle, but discovered so much more: wine, song, food, and fire, and love for my fellow Indigos and Starseeds that was unparalleled to anything else experienced on this trip! I met a woman there, my age, who revealed herself under her nickname of Star, but after a few minutes of talking she revealed herself as Ashley.  Within mere minutes of talking, she started reading me like an open book, and I her.  We discovered that we were in-fact distantly related, through my mother's blood; via Halligan, and Anderson blood.  Wow.  I was at a loss for words. She was blown away by this synchronicity as well.  She then invited me to stay, in Sedona, to explore her path, the path of the Indigo, the path that leads to New Jerusalem (Sedona) and to explore with her in the Galactic Federation of Light. The offer was extremely tempting.  But it's not my time. Not yet. But oh, how I wanted to stay.  And oh, how I hope I haven't seen the last of her!

Full moon, under the night sky in Sedona; a halo was wide around the moon, and the moon was so bright, night was day, and this halo had a prism effect to it.  That's right: a halo rainbow around the moon, visible from Phoenix to Flagstaff and perhaps further.  It was amazing. It was a sign.  I was where I was meant to be, when I was meant to be there.  Simply put, the fates had conspired to bring me there, force me to go, to release my burden and share with me a very enlightened message. A message that I'm building up to. Is the anticipation driving you mad yet? We are getting there :) I promise.  But the story isn't over.  We have finally reached the 11th (11.11.11) with a glorious Rainbow Halo as a sign from God, to Us, that we are on the side of Right! Very fitting, for the Rainbow Gathering.

I headed back to camp, at 2AM, knowing that I have a hike at 10AM with Peter Gersten.  Peter is a retired lawyer that I first started paying attention to back about three or four years ago after hearing him on Coast To Coast AM (Art Bell's old show). Peter, after he retired, started filing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for all the UFO documents, particularly trying to get a bead on the Phoenix Lights, and other famous cases. I was able to ask some very candid and pointed questions, namely I wanted his take on whether he thought that the UFO's that were being seen were Extra-terrestrial or Extra-dimensional.

He told me, [paraphrasing] "James, I don't think you really get it.This 'reality' is like a hologram, just like on Star-Trek.  The UFO's are part of the hologram just as you or I.  They are part of the hologram deteriorating and the people caught up in it are taking this as signs." 

I dare not paraphrase him any further, because I don't want to butcher his context too much.  But suffice to say,  he feels that there is a virus in the system, and the hologram has produced an antivirus.  I feel that the Indigos, Starseeds, or whatever they could/would be labeled are this antivirus. This goes back to my message; the message I am trying to reveal, but not yet. Keep reading. It'll be worth it. I promise :P

I had every intention on hiking up to the top of Bell Rock. Unfortunately I was incredibly sore from the previous 2 days of hiking and decided that risking my life when I didn't feel as sure-footed as I normally do, well it could have ended badly! Instead, I sat and meditated a couple hundred feet up on the rock-face, taking in the view and snapping photos.  Again, with the visible manifestations of energy!  Wow!  The vibrational energies were so overwhelming, it was like a high!  Here is a video that I took on my phone, when I was trying to figure out something scientific that I could bring back with me, to show the secular world that there IS more to this place than hippies and crystal-peddling crazies.  Submitted, for your eyes, is my exhibit A:

Whether or not you can debunk this video is irrelevant to me.  I can't debunk what I've seen, what I swear to be true.  I know. I felt it, I held the walking stick in my hand and conducted my own experiment.  I believe.  I KNOW. There's faith, and there's knowing.  There is no room for doubt in my mind.

Another synchronicity: I met a guy that works for a company called Solar Works. WOW.  I've never heard of them, but they do what set out to do a couple of years back when I set up Solar Grid Works. The odds? And the odds that this guy's name is Tim, when Peter met me as James and is all he knew me as? You can call it a coincidence, and I can call the Virgin Mary a whore, but neither are a true statement.

Heading back from the Bell Rock vortex, I reached camp to find no one there.  Within 5 minutes of me arriving, the camp was populated with all my family!  Amazing. Simply amazing.  Intention manifesting in very subtle and interesting ways. I cannot stress this enough. Synchronicity, not coincidence.

I arrived back at camp and swapped stories, recanting for the group my day's events.  As I sat at the fire a couple of new people arrived.  This one woman, whom I felt an immediate attraction to, had just arrived to Sedona and was a definite enigma.  We spoke for a couple of hours, and her walls started coming down. She was volatile, was holding a lot of pain, so I shared my story, my message of healing, and my experiences with her, and she was moved into tears. So, there I was, holding this beautiful spiritual being in my arms, a total "stranger", and I have never felt more right about giving Love freely. Although I never met her before, I definitively knew; I loved her, unconditionally. And I'll likely never see her again. I'll likely never see any of them again.  Unless the fates conspire... and that would be incredibly synchronistic!

Earlier I mentioned waking up my first full night at 5:30 AM to seeing Joshua meditating by the fire. On my last day I mentioned to Joshua that I saw him meditating that morning.  He looked at me with bewilderment because in his memory he was fast asleep then, but woke early in the morning, to look out and see me sitting by the fire. Me! This part boggles the mind, with both of us having apparently a masked memory of the other doing the meditation, and both of us insisting that we were both sound asleep, yet awakened to see the other meditating by the fire.  What does this mean?  Cover memories from two people who are both UFO hunters and Truth Seekers? I know what it means to me...

We are rounding out my last day in Sedona, and it's time to reveal the message that I, along with the other Indigos and Starseeds have meditated and collaborated on. This resonated deep within all of us, as Universal Truth. With what we saw, and what we experienced we feel that is is the biggest part what is to come in 2012 (and what has already started):

The Message:
Times are changing. To be specific, time is changing.  Time, as we understand it, is a facade created by this holographic reality, and a construct of our minds designed to hold us back.  The veil is thinner in places like Sedona, more prevalent and more powerful because of the energies that the natives called sacred.  This new vibrational wave is to cause the old wave to collapse. The time field, our concept of time, has already started collapsing, and it can be scary for those who don't understand why.

Fear, my friends, is not the way to approach this new vibrational field. Fear is the ultimate evil, and by giving into the fear it will usher in negativity.  The fate of the world resides in a simple question: Will you embrace LOVE or FEAR?

Our Message is that of Love.  United in Love and Light, we can conquer fear and darkness.  We must.  Failure is not an option. The fear will consume, but the love will illuminate the path and allow growth.

Which side are you on, friends? Which side are you on? 

Choose Love!

I was hoping for a personal sign to be revealed to me that the nature of time was changing.  I received confirmation on the drive home, when a 16 hour drive was somehow accomplished in 12 hours and 15 minutes.  I may have been speeding, but I am no speed demon.  Looking at the miles travelled, I would have had to be cruising along at 100+MPH to perform that, and I'm neither that brave or bold, and my car certainly could NOT have sustained that considering it was having problems getting up the mountains at speed limits!  I take this as a personal sign.  My testimony as I stand here, in witness.

Love & Light,

~End Transmission~

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