Thursday, September 8, 2011

Finally, up and going

My First post on a new blog. It has a good feel; like a new notebook.  I started this blog when I finally realized that Facebook was indeed consuming me. I still need a creative outlet though, and I had an old Myspace account, but that place is a ghost town!  So, blogger. It boasts some interesting features, like being able to quasi-integrate with my main page so that can redirect to it.
I quit Fakebook yesterday and have thankfully decided that there are several things far more important than social networking:
  • Blogging - I do miss it. Used to do it all the time. My old blog over on Myspace was a lot of fun. All in all I think I have 350 some-odd posts there. It's been months and months since I've even logged in there, and have no desire to. So, this is the new incarnation.  A new place for my poems, rants, raves, and insights.
  • Website Creation - Ahh yes... I have a site. It's in it's infancy. I noticed my site wasn't going anywhere largely due to the amount of time I found myself wasting on facebook.  So now, I devoting to pour at least 30 minutes of my day into some sort of site development. was desinged with a singular purpose. To showcase different alternative energy solutions and provide not just platforms to sales, but a wealth of knowledge for anyone trying to DIY.
  • Work - Fakebook was really really inhibiting my productivity.  I am regretful of the time wasted, duties shirked, and responsibilities overlooked.  I work at NTRONIC, a small computer store with a lot of soul. I love what I do, and I love being able to help people.  Even if SGW takes off in a big way, I'll still be there.  I can't picture anything else I'd rather do besides troubleshoot computer problems.  So, while Solar, Wind-turbine, Geothermal, and Crystal power are interests and hobbies, they don't pay the bills. not yet.  Not at all. 
  • Spiritualism - While I can't outright blame my lack of focus on meditation and trying to achieve cosmic-oneness on Fakebook directly, I can say that it wasn't helping.  Staring blankly at an interface all day watching feeds for no reason other than trying to feel like I was more connected with people than I ever truly was.
I'm not trying to rip too hard on Facebook. I made some very good friends out of Facebook.  The proof will be as to whether or not those friendships survive the Exodus.

I've got some wonderful things in the works with SGW.  I am working on making power cells right now that for all intensive purposes we can call ki, prana, or even zero-point energy.  It's hard to describe, but once I have some cells made I'll try to produce a video of this "eternal battery" that seemingly violates physics (thermodynamics and entropy).  It doesn't violate quantum physics though. It utilizes the Casmir Effect. More to come. Stay tuned

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