Monday, October 31, 2011

That's really something, obscure beyond coincidence.

While watching a show, I felt moved enough by a quote on it that I wanted to blog the quote, to see if it bares resonance with anyone who might stumble across this:

"I don't think you can analyze love. It's the greatest mystery of all. No one knows why it happens, or doesn't. Love is a chance combination of elements. Any one thing might be enough to keep it from igniting - a mood, a glance... a remark. And if we could define love, predict it - it would probably lose its power." - Hidden Wisdom from the writers of Star Trek Voyager [episode transcript].  s4e22

Now for the incredibly obscure part.  That episode is Season 4, episode 22. While looking up the quote to make sure I had it properly quoted, I discovered that the original air date of the show was April, 22; or 4/22. Odd coincidence. Yet I don't believe in coincidence.

Some may call it foolish to entertain such nonsense, but there is power in numerology.  It would be a tremendous oversight to not mention that main-stream beliefs such as Judaism, numbers even carry some mark of power.  Certain events such as the tragedies of 9/11 have certainly ingrained in us a reverence of certain dates and number sequences.

With astrology and numerology being a fascination, it was easy for me to notice even early on as a child that bad things occurred directly on or around my birthday, April 19, there were a ton of events that I've noticed over time that occur around my week of birth, hailed in my mind as "International terrorists and psychos week". Look at the up the dates in history around the week or "cusp" times of I about 5 days around April 20th and I'm sure you might find some intrigue there yourself.

I challenge anyone to follow the above links to Wikipedia, where They can see for themselves the odd things that have occurred right and around this week in history. But looking at this week as it's own consequential "hell week" gives me pause and some area of concern alone. I associate this Astrological Cusp as to be a very powerful time of the year for drastic, sweeping change.  And rolling on an idea that this quote above, was something that very few people that can spot the signs can get a glimpse into the future.

Perhaps it's a message to me from the creator or something.  I can't shake the symbology of numbers, and refuse to accept the inherent powers of them.

So, proposing the opening quote is a message, to me or my sub conscience queues on this, that this is a date of note, I am blogging this here as a possible proving ground. Many times in my life I have had a prediction or a gut feeling about a date, but this coming year, pay close attention to the date 4/22.  Perhaps my benign noting of is would be as miraculous as you, the reader, or me the writer, possibly falling in or out of love on that very day.  And perhaps, since 3 of my previous personal relationships have truly disintegrated a week after this target day... well perhaps speculations and ponderings could point to an inner revelation that I am having while typing, that this message may be critical for me to remember.

Folks, this is astounding, the true implications of this are hitting me like a ton of bricks as I type. An epiphany about the hows and whys that have led to some painful breakups that have left me very weary along lines of Love. It has previously wrecked my psyche; over thinking and over-analyzing why I, such a benevolent, humble, honest, and loyal man, can be so afflicted and feel so devoid of love from this world.

Ahh, love unrequited. Love lost. I know it all to well.  I could blog on and on about this, stew in the juices of my own misery about it, but I don't see that as cathartic. Re-living the past never is, but I must learn from it. I must be sure that I don't make some critical mistakes again.   If I would just trust my intuitions first, instead of being so blinded by the hope of true love! Alas, I hope it finds me before its too late, and I become a dried up, stale husk of jaded callous that I become incapable of ever loving again.

It's hard to believe that the one thing in this universe that can be given so freely, is the thing that we ourselves need so desperately. The more you give the more you have, the less you give the more you lose.
That's a me quote. And a damned good riddle.  One that might harbor more hidden wisdom than most of my "nonsense." Riddle me this: It's all subjective, right?  Isn't all art?  Isn't Love as well?

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